
SMS Marketing: The New Growth Channel for eCommerce

We know how important eCommerce sales has become to your brand today. In Q2 2020, retail eCommerce sales grew by 44.5% YoY, per the US Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce.

Due to the recent shut down of physical retail locations, eCommerce accounts for more than 16% of total retail sales in Q2, an increased market share of 5% from the previous quarter.

As retail brands continue to pour more resources into their digital offerings, we don’t expect eCommerce to slowdown anytime soon, with some retail strategists predicting a 50 / 50 split of sales between brick and mortar and eCommerce in the next decade.

Email is the traditional eCommerce Channel

For many marketers, email automation is still the bread and butter of your eCommerce program, used to send transactional messages when people abandon carts or to share digital receipts.

There is no denying that the impact of email on your marketing campaigns has been dwindling over the years. With continuous updates to spam filters to email services like Gmail as well as the sheer volume of emails sent today, it’s no wonder open rates are falling across all industries.

Marketers need to look to new channels to offset this loss of traffic.

SMS Marketing is the new growth channel for eCommerce

Knowing how important eCommerce is to your business today and tomorrow, do you know how important SMS has become to eCommerce sales? 

Slowly, email is taking a back seat to SMS (98% open rate) as the preferred communication channel for shoppers.

During the pandemic, we have been driving traffic to eCommerce sites with SMS marketing campaigns.

And retailers are seeing HUGE results:

In one month, SMS accounted for +640,000 clicks to one retailer’s eCommerce site – using the Raange Marketing Engagement Platform. 

When you take into account the sales conversion rate and Average Order Value, a majority of the retailer’s online sales that month was attributed to SMS marketing.

How do you get started with SMS for eCommerce?

At Raange, we help brands implement mobile as a new growth channel for eCommerce using a 2-step process:

1. Acquisition: Convert your in-store traffic into digital subscribers at an industry-leading CPA

2. Retention: Send high converting mobile messages to subscribers and increase sales on your eCommerce site

No IT requirements. No mobile experience required.

SMS for eCommerce Conclusion

SMS has shot past email as the new growth channel for eCommerce sales.

Marketers should invest some time and resources into testing SMS as a new channel for their eCommerce programs.

Book a call with our team today to see how easy it is to get started sending SMS campaigns from the Raange Marketing Engagement Platform.

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