
What is Store-Level Segmentation for Retail?

Our newest feature Store-Level Segmentation helps brands build local relationships with their customers.

Physical stores still play an important role in the customer’s buying journey. 

A recent Retail Insider piece explained that in Canada 84 percent of consumers make their first purchase in a physical store and 40 percent still make repeat purchases in the physical store. 

From BOPIS to experiential to repeat purchases, Canadian consumers still see the value in the physical store as part of a retail brand’s overall omnichannel shopping process. 

With your customers in mind, we built store-level segmentation into the new Raange platform. 

What is store-level segmentation for retail?

The new store-level segmentation allows brands, retailers and restaurants the ability to create micro-databases (mobile subscriber lists) for each physical store and run localized mobile messaging campaigns.

This is especially important for retail brands where local demographics play a huge roll in inventory and marketing. 

We’ve made it INSANELY easy to run highly targeted campaigns for each individual store, region, province, territory or country – you choose the level of targeting.

How do you manage store-level campaigns?

We’ve simplified it to this two-step process. Enjoy!

  1. Localization: Create Micro-Databases

The new platform makes it easy for brands to capture customer contacts at each unique store location.

For example, as part of the automated customer acquisition flow, we develop local text-in promotions to help brands collect local mobile subscribers at each store location.

Each store location then builds its own mico-database of customers that can be re-targeted during their post-purchase journey.

Need help launching campaigns to help capture customer contact data? Check out our blog on the Top 5 Campaigns to Fill Your Customer Database.

  1. Targeted Campaigns: Send Local Text Message Marketing Campaigns

Marketing managers need a way to send local campaigns to the right customers, not blast an entire list with a promotion.

In the new Raange Platform, retail brands can segment their subscribers by store. Then run localized promotions to those exact micro-databases. 

This type of store-level segmentation is an easy way to create localized relationships with customers while building your owned audience to target customers during their post-purchase journey.

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